Friant Water Authority and Friant North Authority Sign Memorandum of Agreement

New Arrangement Unites a Majority of the Friant Division on Common Issues

For Immediate Release:

July 29, 2016

Lindsay, Calif. – The Friant Water Authority (FWA) and Friant North Authority (FNA) this week signed an agreement that sets forth a cooperative path forward for the two organizations. 

The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) finalized July 26 establishes a number of areas in which FWA and FNA intend to work together and share resources on common issues that affect the water supply of the Friant Division of the Central Valley Project. These areas include legislative and regulatory affairs, communications, and water operations and technical analysis, and other mutual issues that arise. 

“The MOA is a formal recognition of how important unity is within the Friant Division to achieve our shared goals,” said FWA CEO Jason Phillips. “This is a highly effective and cost-efficient way for our growers and cities to have their interests represented and looked after, which is something they deserve to have.” 

“Our water users need us to work together with a unified voice to protect Friant Division water supplies,” said FNA Executive Officer Dave Orth. “FNA will continue to be a tireless advocate for our farmers in the northern portion of the Friant Division, but when it comes to the critical issues and challenges in California water – the Delta, weathering the historic drought, and working with other water users – Friant’s interests are one.” 

FWA is a joint-powers authority formed in 2004 by a majority of the water agencies receiving water from the Friant Division of the Central Valley Project. Its primary purposes are to operate and maintain the Friant-Kern Canal and to serve the information and representation needs of its member agencies. FNA is a joint-powers authority formed in 2015 by certain water agencies receiving water from the Friant Division of the Central Valley Project to jointly advance common interests and objectives with respect to their Friant Division water supplies.

Alexandra Biering

FWA is a joint-powers authority formed in 2004 by a majority of the water agencies receiving water from the Friant Division of the Central Valley Project. Its primary purposes are to operate and maintain the Friant-Kern Canal and to serve the information and representation needs of its member agencies.