In 2017, Friant began implementation of the Friant-Kern Canal Pump-back Project, which will dramatically increase Friant Division contractors’ flexibility to receive and exchange water throughout the San Joaquin Valley.
investing in more Flexibility
As a gravity-fed conveyance facility, the Friant-Kern Canal delivers water north to south. But in some cases, it could be beneficial to the Friant Contractors to have the capability to move water south to north, such as to return San Joaquin River restoration flows originally released from Friant Dam and pumped south from the Delta. This project will install three permanent pumps along the Friant-Kern Canal that will allow water to be delivered to the eastside from the westside of the valley through the Cross Valley Canal.
The project, which is anticipated to cost approximately $10 million to plan and construct, began in 2017 and is currently in the planning stages.
CEQA Notices and Documentation
Notice of Preparation (May 29, 2024)
FKC Pump-Back Project Public Scoping Meeting Presentation (June 12, 2024)
Notice of Availability (October 9, 2024)
Draft EIR
Final EIR
FKC Pump-Back Scoping Meeting (June 12, 2024)
FKC Pump-Back Project DEIR Public Meeting (October 22, 2024) | Meeting Presentation PDF